If you are looking to make money online and build a firm then you are going to need one thing to start off with and that's a stock to sell, and traffic. If you don't have these things then you will not have a business. These are the key components to a flourishing online business. Now if your looking to make money one fun way to do that is to originate or outsource a stock and market it with the power of YouTube.
YouTube is one of if not the largest video sharing sites with millions and millions of video watches a day. So think of it like this. The more videos you have uploaded on YouTube the more traffic you are going to get with more people watching your videos.
When I first started I started out submitting 1 video a day and in just a little bit of time I had over 50 videos on YouTube all pushing to my blogs, stock pages, opt in pages and more. This is how I started building my brand in my niche market. This is something that you or whatever can do even if you are new to the game of internet marketing.